Full Service Digital Marketing Agency

What is a Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency

If you’ve ever started researching digital marketing services for your business, you may have wondered what sets one agency apart from another. Should you pick a full-service marketing agency, or hire several firms with expertise in different areas?

Or does it make more sense to hire a few freelancers to manage the separate aspects of your marketing strategy – a writer for your website, a social media manager for your Facebook posts, and an SEO expert to help you rank for the right search terms?

In some cases, having a dedicated person or agency manage each component of your marketing separately might seem cost-effective and efficient. But is it really?

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Full-Service Marketing Agency: Definition

In general, if you’re looking to create a cohesive digital presence, it makes the most sense to hire a full-service digital marketing agency. This type of agency has the experience and background to manage your entire online strategy, including the website, content, social media, search engine optimization (SEO) and digital advertising

So rather than a piecemeal approach that silos off each component of your marketing, a full-service digital marketing agency ensures that everything works together in an optimized manner.

The alternative? Like using a few niche freelancers, some digital marketing agencies specialize in one area only, whether content marketing, PPC campaigns, Facebook ads, etc. This approach has some advantages. For example, if you happen to be a pro at most marketing functions but lack the expertise in one particular component, it may make sense to hire an agency with extra experience for that specific task.

However, most business owners are looking to hire an agency to help reduce their own list of marketing to-dos, not merely to fill in the gaps. A full-service marketing agency has the knowledge and resources to do it all, and well. These agencies can zoom out and look at the entire picture – the overall marketing goals you have for your business, and create a unified strategy using the best methods available to you.

By managing your full marketing plan, a full-service agency has the context and understanding of the work your company is engaging in to accurately track and report on the performance of your marketing efforts, providing the kind of deep insights that go beyond just numbers.

In contrast, a one-note agency would be inclined to push the one or two services they offer, providing simplistic metrics that ignore your business’s unique needs.

Services Offered by a Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency

As the name suggests, a full-service or integrated marketing agency plays the role of bringing together various digital marketing services under one roof. This can greatly amplify your marketing efforts because of the synergies that come into play.

From strategy to execution, a full-service digital marketing agency can do that and so much more!

Content Marketing

Content marketing is the quintessential service that any integrated agency would offer. Professional content writers with a proven history of writing about your business are the people you are looking for.

An agency that can do both the strategy and execution of content marketing can very quickly take off a heavy burden from your in-house marketing team.

Moreover, good content gets noticed by search engines and people! It can help you establish trust and build your credibility.

Email Marketing

One of the most effective tools in any marketing campaign. Emails are still one of the best ways to directly reach out to your prospect/customer.

May it be lead generation or awareness-building marketing campaigns, a well-designed email with great content and a stellar call-to-action can do wonders for your business.

Landing Pages

A beautiful website design is great, but it’s not really useful if it doesn’t translate to leads from landing pages.

A landing page is built to inform and convert. People will very likely visit you first on your website before even making a call. Landing pages are a great way to capture the contact information of all those web visits.

You do this by offering a lead magnet (white paper, case study, etc.) in exchange for their details. Creating a well-optimized landing page with fast load times, intuitive UX, and mobile compliance is the job of a well-integrated marketing agency.

Social Media Management

If your business is not on social media, does it even exist? Managing social media professionally can be cumbersome and complex. Handling multiple channels, multiple formats and each platform having its own quirks can be challenging at times.

A full-service digital marketing agency should be able to manage your various accounts, create and schedule posts, and give you analytics on how they’re performing.

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A really good full-service agency will also be able to do social listening to watch out for any negative sentiments around your brand, and manage them in real-time!

You must have realized by now that the USP of a full-service digital marketing agency is bringing all these digital marketing services together and make them work for you.

A good agency will take the long-term view and build systems for you that speak to each other and leverage the capabilities of each service to execute a holistic digital marketing campaign.

Benefits of a Full-Service Digital Marketing Agency

By now you must be wondering about the cost of hiring a full-service agency. After all, all those services must be expensive!

You’ll be surprised to know that in many ways a full-service marketing agency can be cheaper than hiring each one of those specialists in your in-house team.

It is cost-effective and can save you from a lot of expenses associated with hiring an in-house specialist (training, benefits, systems, etc.)

Besides the dedicated expertise that you get, another benefit is the latest tools and software that your agency works on for you, without any extra charge to you.

If you’re not using the best marketing automation software available, your marketing growth can plateau very quickly.

Seasonal demands and new product launches can quickly put undue stress on your in-house team as well. Supplemented with a good agency, you can scale your marketing efforts up or down rather quickly! An agency can step in quickly to manage the overflow.

Most importantly, working with a good full-service digital marketing agency allows you to work with broader skillsets and diverse talent. This unlocks efficiencies of scale that you simply cannot achieve with an in-house team.

Full Service Internet Marketing Company

A full-service agency is also convenient, providing a one-stop-shop for your digital marketing needs. This takes the pressure off the business owner to keep track of all their separate marketing tasks and having to check in with a point person for each.

Finding and using a full-service internet marketing company that complements your business is a small, upfront investment of time that can create a fruitful, long-term partnership that grows with your operations, allowing you to change tactics, shift your efforts or redirect your marketing focus without the need to hire and onboard a different agency each time.

Book a consultation with Asset Digital Communications to see what a full-service internet marketing agency can do for your business!

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