Best Lead Generation Strategies

Best Lead Generation Strategies for Startups

Lead generation is a lifeline for startups. You cannot maintain the high growth momentum of a startup without a steady flow of quality leads.

The best lead generation strategies for startups are those that deliver not just a high volume of leads but also high quality of leads. And each strategy needs to be evaluated thoroughly as no two startups are alike.

A lot of opportunities open up when you start looking at each marketing activity through the lens of conversion.

Best Lead Generation Strategy for Startups: It’s Unique for Each One!

Evaluate each lead generation strategy with care. Your business model and unit economics are most likely to be different than your competitors and thus need a different approach for conversion.

While there are a plethora of strategies to evaluate (we’ll talk about the most popular ones in this blog), always have an experimenter mindset, and don’t be afraid to try out different ones till one sticks.

A/B test and optimize at every chance you get. May it be with a landing page copy or a paid ad creative, figure out what works for your target customer early on so that you can double down on that strategy quickly.

Depending upon your business, influencer marketing could reap dividends for you as a lead generation strategy or a simple SEO strategy backed by great content. Every startup is unique!

Write Ads That Convert!

Startups simply cannot do without online advertising. Since most buyer journeys now begin with an online search, the merits of having your website appear on the first page of search results far outweigh the cons.

With the limited budgets of a startup, you can quickly burn through your advertising spending. But you can put yourself ahead of a lot of your competitors if know the art of writing ads that convert.

Be smart and highly targeted in your ad copy. Learning how to write better ads can give your raise your CTR, giving your Quality Score a boost.

Similarly, writing ads for social networks such as Facebook can give you access to an entirely different audience. The platform allows you to hone in on your targeting parameters, which can be great if your target audience visits Facebook often.

Facebook also allows you to embed a lead capture form within the website creating a lead capture journey that is not too disruptive.

Go All In With Remarketing

Just because you couldn’t capture the information of a potential lead, does not mean that you’ve lost it forever. Remarketing enables you to tag your site visit so that you can get back in front of them while they visit other websites on the internet.

While only 2% conversion takes place on the initial visit, remarketing allows you to get some of that 98% back.

Most importantly, remarketing amplifies your other marketing activities such as SEO, content marketing, and social media marketing. It can also help you engage with customers at every stage of the funnel, making the lead generation process seamless.

Remarketing can be a great way to capture those initial leads as well as patching any holes that might be in your sales funnel that can result in lost leads.

Build an Amazing Landing Page

Once you’ve created that perfect ad, you need to follow it up with an amazing landing page. A high conversion landing page is one of the best lead generation strategies for startups.

A dedicated landing page that meets the expectation of a visitor and guides them to fill a form is the holy grail of online marketing.

A clear offer, a slick and simple design, and a lead magnet that the potential customer wants are the basic elements of a landing page.

An ad that talks about a specific service you offer but takes the visitor to your general homepage is not a good experience. Moreover, search engines can penalize you for such a bad or misleading user experience by ranking you lower in SERP.

Plan the journey in such a way that takes the visitor to a dedicated landing page that talks about that specific service offering. Hook them with a compelling offer in the form of a whitepaper, eBook, or presentation and see those leads coming in.

Startups function in a rapid growth environment and you need to have serious lead generation strategies like we’ve mentioned above to get as many high-quality leads as possible in your sales funnel.